Adventure Experience Provider

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that Grab Ethno Village and Camp has been awarded the prestigious title of Adventure Experience Provider of the Year for 2023/24!

This incredible recognition is a reflection of our steadfast dedication to providing unforgettable adventures and experiences set against the breathtaking backdrop of nature.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our amazing guests and supporters whose unwavering trust and enthusiasm have been instrumental in achieving this remarkable milestone. Your continued support has been the driving force behind our passion for adventure tourism, inspiring us to continually push the boundaries and set new standards.

Being acknowledged as winners in this category is an immense honor, and we’re eagerly anticipating the opportunity to share our story with a global audience through the upcoming publication by Corporate Live Wire, which boasts a readership of over 550,000 subscribers worldwide. It’s an incredible platform for us to showcase the unparalleled beauty of Montenegro and the unforgettable experiences we offer.

None of this would have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our exceptional team and the unwavering support of our beloved family. Each member has played a pivotal role in crafting extraordinary experiences for our guests, and we are truly grateful for their tireless efforts.

As we celebrate this momentous achievement, we invite you to join us on our journey as we continue to elevate the adventure experience at Grab Ethno Village and Camp. Stay tuned for more updates and thrilling adventures that await!

International Day of Rivers

Celebrating the International Day of Rivers: A Tribute to Tara River and Canyon

As the world celebrates the International Day of Rivers on March 14th, we at Tara-Grab feel privileged to pay tribute to one of nature’s most magnificent creations -Tara River and its breathtaking canyon.

At Tara-Grab, we hold a deep respect for nature, understanding the vital role rivers play in sustaining life and ecosystems. Tara River, known as the “Tear of Europe,” holds a special place in our hearts. It’s not just a river – it’s a lifeline, a source of inspiration, and a symbol of harmony between humanity and the natural world.

For generations, our families have lived in close connection with Tara River. From their earliest days, our children have been immersed in its beauty, spending countless hours playing along its banks, swimming, jumping, and kayaking. Tara has provided us with moments of joy, tranquility and adventure, shaping our lives and instilling in us a profound sense of respect for the environment.

As stewards of this land, we are committed to preserving its pristine beauty for future generations. We believe in living in harmony with water, nurturing and protecting it as it sustains life in all its forms. Our commitment to environmental conservation guides everything we do, from our eco-friendly practices to our efforts in raising awareness about the importance of preserving our rivers and natural habitats.

On this International Day of Rivers, let us join hands in celebrating beauty and significance of rivers like Tara. Let us renew our commitment to safeguarding these precious resources and ensuring that they continue to flow freely for generations to come.

Join us at Tara-Grab in honoring the majesty of Tara River and Canyon. Together, let’s pledge to cherish, protect, and preserve our rivers for the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.

Happy International Day of Rivers!

Contact us to learn more about our conservation efforts and how you can get involved.

Volunteer Vibes

Volunteer Vibes: Embracing Nature, Culture, and Community at Ethno village and camp Grab

We are the proud owners of Ethno Village and Camp Grab, where our passion for nature and the joy of connecting with people from all corners of the world converge. Our love for the outdoors and a desire to foster a sense of community led us to opening our doors to volunteers.

Each year since 2018, we have had the pleasure of hosting over 20 volunteers – individuals who bring a wealth of energy, assistance, and diverse stories to our campsite. For us, the presence of volunteers is not merely a helping hand; it is an exchange of cultures, ideas, and shared experiences.

We invite you to explore the thoughts and reflections of these incredible individuals about our campsite and the time spent with us. Their testimonials capture the essence of the unique and enriching environment we have cultivated, where the love for nature and the camaraderie of global connections come together harmoniously.

Discover the perspectives of those who have become a part of our extended camp family and have contributed to the vibrant tapestry of experiences that make Ethno Village and Camp Grab a special place.

Edward from Mexico:
Tamara and Dimitrije are some of the best people I had the pleasure of meeting on my travels, unconditional support from a united and hard-working couple, charming nights full of stories, and people from all over the world in a natural wonder out of this world and exciting days
cooking for the beloved Staff that I am going to miss a lot, Militza, Letitzia, Nada, Ogi, Sania, Allen, all my colleagues, and the great friends I made, infinitely grateful for this totally organic experience soaked in the cultural richness of a real and generous Montenegro that life gave me the opportunity to know, don’t waste your time looking for Workawayers places!! This camp is an unparalleled space to have a great time.

Tadeo and Nicolas, Argentina
We have been in the rafting camp for 3 weeks. The work was relaxed, the food was really good and the team was amazing. Dimitrije and Tamara are the best, you can always have a nice talk with them, ask them whatever you need. Thank you very much!

Javi and Vanessa, Argentina
We spent 4 weeks and couldn’t be better. All the staff and the workawayers were very kind and
gave us a warm welcome. They made us feel at home from the first minute.

The place is gorgeous!!! The river, the mountains, the canyon, the nature, OMG so magical and
peaceful, simply…unbelievable!
We were doing different tasks: helping in the kitchen and the bar, cleaning rooms and other
areas, cutting grass, and helping at the reception. Always in a really nice and fun atmosphere and everyone is always ready to help each other, feeling like a real teamwork. We also had a lot of fun doing rafting many times, canoeing, riding the e-bikes, playing cards, and having parties with the staff and the guests.
Delicious and plentiful meals with local recipes every day (Milica’s the chef is a genius!).
The accommodation was in a shared room but we were alone during our stay. It was hard to say goodbye but we’ll come back some day for more! We recommend this place 100%

Stacey and Joe, GB
We came to stay initially for a few weeks but ended up staying for 7 months! The camp is in a beautiful area with lots of hiking possibilities and of course the river. Dimitrije and Tamara are the best hosts, they speak excellent English and are very generous. We did work in the kitchen (mostly dishwashing), clearing and marking walking trails, general maintenance work on the rooms and grounds camp; some housekeeping. Always there is some time to relax and enjoy your surroundings : ) Thank you for a great stay we hope to meet again.

Leah, Germany
What a beautiful place Dimitrije and Tamara have built! The location is breathtaking: you can
swim in the ice-cold but turquoise and clear water of the Tara river and go rafting right along the Montenegrin-Bosnian border. The atmosphere is very warm and laidback; the staff is like one big family. My travel companion and I grew especially fond of the bartender Mijo, who introduced us to the Montenegrin culture and language and who has a heart of gold. Prepare to be fed like medieval kings (Milica’s cooking is a dream), start liking the taste of sljiva (a homemade plum brandy), and see the most beautiful starry skies. I have many fond memories of my time here and a lot of respect for what Dimitrije’s family has created from scratch (in the deepest canyon of Europe in the middle of nature!). It is a place into
which a lot of heart and soul has been poured. Hope to see you all sometime again.

Tenzin, Australia
Stayed at the camp for 3 weeks in October with my friend who was also volunteering and really loved my stay. The camp is in such a beautiful spot, surrounded by mountains and next to the
beautiful Tara River. I felt really relaxed and rejuvenated after my stay. As I was volunteering during off-season the camp was fairly quiet but we still had some guests. We got to meet people from around the world and join in a rafting session which was a lot of fun. We also got to ride the e-bikes one weekend and see the national park which was beautiful. The work mainly involved cleaning and preparing rooms, checking in guests and sometimes cooking for guests. We stayed in a cosy house and had our own rooms which was really nice. Tamara and Dimitri were such kind and generous hosts. When they came to the camp they always made sure we were enjoying and had enough food and drinks. I am so glad I met them they are such kind and generous people and I can’t thank them enough for wanting to create a nice experience for us and giving us the opportunity to stay in this beautiful place. I definitely recommend this Workaway if you enjoy nature and working with people.

We take immense pleasure in welcoming these vibrant, young individuals to our haven, where we eagerly open our space, share delightful meals, and invest our time in them. Their presence infuses a unique and dynamic energy into our camp, creating a positive ripple effect that extends to our entire team. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to them for enriching our camp experience.

Tamara Vujanović